Async agile 1.0, is distributed agile 2.0!

This blog expands on the ideas from “The Async-First Playbook”. You can either browse through the posts using the grid below, or start at the very beginning. Alternatively, use the search bar below to find content across the site.

Culture, Leadership, Communication Sumeet Moghe Culture, Leadership, Communication Sumeet Moghe

How company cultures go rotten

When we leave cultural characteristics open to interpretation, we run the risk of creating toxic cultures. The loudest voices usually undermine diversity. It makes more sense for distributed organisations to do the boring work of defining culture. It isn’t as sexy as a secret sauce, but writing things up fosters a consistent and healthy culture.

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Training, Strategy, Skills, Knowledge sharing, Leadership Sumeet Moghe Training, Strategy, Skills, Knowledge sharing, Leadership Sumeet Moghe

8 reasons that building new skills is so hard

In the corporate world we often reach for training as silver bullet solution to performance problems. But building and practicing new skills is hard and if we don’t recognise the real-world difficulties people face, it’s likely that many skill-building initiatives will fail.

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Leadership, Strategy, Budgeting, Relationships, Cohesion Sumeet Moghe Leadership, Strategy, Budgeting, Relationships, Cohesion Sumeet Moghe

Smart money - spends that are worth their weight in gold

Depending on the level you operate at as a leader, you probably have some discretionary budgets available to you. When you spend that money, your company wants you to get the most bang for their buck. In this post, I want to explore four areas of expenditure that’ll make a big impact on your remote teams.

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Leadership, Strategy, Tools, Knowledge sharing Sumeet Moghe Leadership, Strategy, Tools, Knowledge sharing Sumeet Moghe

Farming tacit knowledge in a remote-first, asynchronous setup

Remote work would have renewed your organisation’s interest in knowledge management. Considering one can’t walk up to co-workers for a quick clarification, could we instead ask the system for an answer? In an asynchronous, remote-first culture, a solid knowledge strategy can be a productivity power up.

In this article and a few subsequent ones, I want to share my thoughts about creating a knowledge ecosystem that keeps pace with your people’s know-how.

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